Epigastric Hernia Repair in NYC
If you’re suffering from an epigastric hernia, schedule a consultation with world-renowned hernia surgeon Dr. Mark Reiner for diagnosis and treatment. Epigastric hernias do not heal on their own and will require hernia repair surgery. Dr. Reiner is a leader in minimally-invasive hernia repair and has performed thousands of successful hernia operations in his lifetime. Learn more about umbilical and epigastric hernias below.
What is an Epigastric Hernia?
An epigastric hernia occurs when tissues of the abdomen push through a weak part of the abdominal wall, resulting in a hernia that occurs between the breastbone and the belly button. These types of hernias are usually small, but you can develop more than one at a time.
The Causes of A Epigastric Hernia
Epigastric hernias are caused by a midline defect above the umbilicus, or belly button, where the two major abdominal muscles (rectus muscles) meet. Factors that can contribute to the development of an epigastric hernia include coughing, straining, heavy work, and obesity.
What are the Symptoms of an Epigastric Hernia?
Epigastric hernias often have no symptoms. The most common symptom associated with this type of hernia is pain in the upper abdomen.
How Epigastric Hernias are treated
Epigastric hernias do not heal on their own, and also require surgery to be repaired. However, unless the hernia threatens to become an emergency, surgery may be postponed, particularly in the case of younger patients with epigastric hernias. If you have an epigastric hernia, a consultation with Dr. Mark Reiner, experienced hernia specialist in NYC, is the first step to determining the best treatment plan for your needs.
Patient Testimonial
“Dr. Reiner is an expert in his field. He immediately knew what needed to be done to help my husband. I highly recommend Dr. Reiner.”
Schedule Your Consultation Today!
If you are suffering from an epigastric hernia, the first step to improving your health and getting back to your regular pain-free life is to schedule a consultation with an epigastric hernia surgery specialist. Dr. Mark Reiner is a top surgeon in the field of minimally invasive hernia repair, and has performed thousands of successful laparoscopic hernia operations. Contact Dr. Reiner today by calling 212.879.6677 or filling out the form on this page.