Hernia Mesh Removal Treatment in NYC

If you received a mesh implant during your hernia repair procedure and are experiencing pain, vomiting, fever, or other symptoms, you may need to have your mesh implant removed. Your first step to a successful recovery is to schedule a consultation with world-renowned hernia surgeon Dr. Mark Reiner in NYC. Dr. Reiner has performed thousands of successful hernia surgeries, including mesh removal procedures. Learn more about the mesh removal procedure below. Or, you can give our office a call at 212.879.6677 to schedule a consultation with Dr. Reiner!

Patient Testimonial

“We want you to know how grateful we are for fitting in our old frail father so quickly and being so accommodating on all levels. We feel incredibly lucky to have a father in our hands. You have given us, his children, peace of mind knowing that you’re the best doctor to get him best odds for an easy recovery. Thank you for being not only an incredible doctor but also an exceptionally generous and caring human being.”

What is a mesh removal procedure?

Most hernias are treated and prevented with the help of a procedure known as hernia repair surgery, which uses a synthetic surgical mesh material to repair your damaged abdominal wall. While mesh implants are typically meant to be permanent, certain complications and side effects may occur, requiring removal of the mesh implant from your abdominal wall.

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Why is mesh removal needed?

Hernia mesh removal may be required if your mesh implant is causing complications, discomfort, or other side effects. Complications may include:

  • Bodily rejection of the mesh implant
  • Infection within the abdominal cavity
  • Erosion of mesh implant into organs
  • Displacement of the mesh implant
  • Adhesion of the mesh implant to internal organs
  • Blockage of the intestines
  • Entrapment of nerves
  • Additional occurrence of hernias

If you are experiencing symptoms of medical complications due to your mesh implant, mesh removal may be required. Symptoms of mesh implant complications may include the following:

  • Pain
  • Vomiting
  • Fever
  • Inflammation of the affected areas
  • Redness at the site of surgery
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Severe swelling or bruising at the site of surgery
  • Blood loss or leakage at the site of surgery

What does the mesh removal procedure involve?

The mesh removal procedure involves the surgical removal of the mesh implant from your abdominal wall. During the procedure, healthy tissue may also be carefully removed, as well as any parts of your abdominal organs that the mesh implant may have become stuck to.

What are the benefits of the mesh removal procedure?

The mesh removal procedure is beneficial because it can help alleviate any resulting complications or side effects from the initial hernia repair procedure. Mesh removal may also come with additional risks. Speak with your doctor to learn more about the risks and benefits of mesh removal and to determine if mesh removal is right for you.

Contact Dr. Reiner For Your Hernia Mesh Removal Appointment In NYC!

If you are suffering from pain and other symptoms due to mesh implant complications, the first step to improving your health and getting back to your regular pain-free life is to schedule a consultation with an experienced hernia doctor. Dr. Mark Reiner is a top surgeon in the field of minimally invasive hernia repair, and has performed thousands of successful hernia operations. Contact Dr. Reiner today by calling 212.879.6677 or filling out the form on this page.

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