Explanation of Hernia Mesh for Chronic Groin Pain

What is Hernia Mesh For Chronic pain?

A: Some people suffer chronic hernia mesh pain that interferes with their daily activities and can last from several months to years. Symptoms include a burning sensation at the surgery site, swelling and pain during intercourse, and the pain may be caused by nerve damage or a reaction to the mesh.

Can hernia mesh cause pain years later?

A: Hernia mesh complications include adhesion, bowel obstruction or perforation, infection, rejection and migration. After hernia mesh surgery, patients have reported symptoms of pain, mesh failure and hernia recurrence. Problems with hernia mesh can occur immediately after the surgery or years later.

What Treatment options are there to cope with Hernia Mesh for Chronic pain?

A: Conservative treatment for hernia mesh pain typically involves oral pain medications or pain-relieving injections. For more serious cases, doctors may recommend surgery to remove the mesh or the nerve causing the pain.

How long does it take to recover from hernia surgery with mesh?

A: After hernia mesh surgery, most patients can go home the same day. Full recovery may take four to six weeks. Right after surgery, patients should perform only necessary daily functions but can return to light activity after a few weeks.

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